COVID-19 Updates

Read a message from Management

Dear Hearthstone Residents, Family Members, Employees, Trusted Partners and Stakeholders,

In the interest of complete transparency, we created this Covid Update page to share any necessary information and updates about how we are continuing to keep our community safe.

Caring for the health and safety our residents continues to be our top priority. Along those lines, and given the recent lifting of State mandates, visitors to The Hearthstone will still be asked to adhere to protocols and clear a screening process–including a brief questionnaire and temperature check–before entering The Community.

Thank you for your continued support as we focus on the health, peace of mind and quality of life of our residents and employees.


The Hearthstone Management Team

News Media

News media, please call (206) 525-9666

Family Hotline

Please call (206) 517-2255 for updates.

Schedule a Visit

We are now open and visits can be scheduled using the link below.

Family Hotline

Please call (206) 517-2255 for updates.

Sign Up For COVID-19 Updates and Information

Status of Cases

As of January 5, 2025:
We have had a total of two positive Covid-19 community cases since our last update at the end of October including one I.L. resident in November and one I.L. resident in December.

Past Cases

Residents & Staff Cases 2025
Independent 39 17 29 1 5
Assisted Living 15 1 6 0 1
Memory Care 8 0 6 0 0
Health Center 5 12 4 0 7
Staff 41 15 89 13 17

* March – Dec.

COVID-19 Updates

The Hearthstone Respiratory Illness Updates as of January 5, 2025

We have had a total of two positive Covid-19 community cases since our last update at the end of October including one I.L. resident in November and one I.L. resident in December.

If you are entering a licensed area (Health Center, Assisted Living or Memory Care), please make sure you are wearing a mask at all times while visiting these areas.

The guidelines for Independent Living residents at The Hearthstone (updated and sent out on May 8, 2024) are still applicable going into 2025. Please refer to that document and its attachments for more information. All Respiratory Illness updates can be found in Touchtown under the ‘Documents’ module in the ‘Covid Updates’ folders.

Should you have any additional questions related to current protocol for Independent Living Residents, please call our main line at (206) 525-9666 (external), call the Front Desk (ext. 0), or email

Thank you,

Hally Skelly on Behalf of Hearthstone Management
Executive Director of Independent Living
Direct 206-517-2210| Main 206-525-9666 | Ext 5210
6720 E Green Lake Way N | Seattle, WA 98103 |

Safety Protocols

The Hearthstone is following the mandates and recommendations of county, state and federal officials. Caring for our residents’ and employees’ health and safety is our highest priority. Safety measures include:

  • COVID-19 testing for all staff at a minimum once a week.
  • All residents and visitors must follow infection control measures.
  • Encouraging all residents to self-isolate if they have reason to believe they have been exposed.
  • Asking all guests and visitors to mask while on-site.